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Hey Neighbor!

My name is Neil Kelly and I'm running for re-election to

Deer Park City Council...


I have spent the past decade working with community leaders to find common-sense solutions to some of our region's most pressing issues.


I promise to continue seeking effective and meaningful solutions to make our city a better place to work, live, and play.


From the earliest moments I entered this world, I have had to fight for my place in it.

Surrounded – and empowered – by a loving family, I clung to life after sustaining injuries during childbirth, which left me disabled and fighting for my life.


Growing up, I fought through persistent bullying by students and trusted adults alike. Intentionally or not, people singled me out for being different than what’s ‘normal’. Living with a disability means you grow up constantly being told, ‘you can’t.’


I reject this notion.


Throughout my life, I have strived to impact others and reach accomplishments that exceed my physical limitations.


In 2019, I joined a bipartisan coalition of community, political, and faith leaders from the tristate to fight for common-sense solutions for improving infrastructure and transportation in Southwest Ohio, leading to the passage of Issue 7.


As a member of Deer Park City Council, I listened to your calls to fight for a Council that is accessible, accountable, and focused on investing in the future of our great city. 


Growing up being told ‘you can’t’ gives me the tenacity to do the hard work so Deer Park can be a great place to live, work, and play for everyone who wants to be a part of our community. 


As of today, our work is far from over. 

Together, we can move Deer Park forward. I’m asking for your vote this fall to continue fighting for our community. 


Neil Kelly lives in Deer Park with his girlfriend, Bridget. In addition to his work on City Council, he works as a social services worker and sits on the board and committees of two local nonprofit organizations.


In his spare time, you can find him supporting his favorite Cincinnati team (the Reds!) or attending local community events.

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